Art Direction

/ About the project
To celebrate the start of the Year of the Snake, I collaborated with Tet Tet Tet and created a set of interactive lì xì (red envelope), inspired by The Little Prince story. The goal was to make this a small joyful experience for both adults and children during the festive atmosphere of the Lunar New Year.
/ Credits
In Collaboration with Tết Tết Tết
Art Director & Illustrator: Madeline Nguyen
Production Manager: Colin Tran
/ Year
/ design concept
In The Little Prince, the drawing of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant—often mistaken by adults as a hat—illustrates how one’s perspective on the world differs at various stages of life. Burdened by knowledge, prejudice, and preconceived notions, adults become confined, losing the freedom to enjoy life like children do. The older we grow, the less magical the world seems to become.
Based on that concept, this set of lì xì (red envelope) was created to guide adults in untangling their minds and rediscovering pure happiness. It bridges the souls of the young and the grown – those who are or once were children.
/ applications
The set consists of 6 artworks, each containing a surprise inside when you open the envelope. Before the answer is revealed, ask yourself if you could imagine what's inside the snake's stomach. Being able to interact with the red envelope connects both the giver (adults) and receiver (children) and allows them to let their imagination loose.
So, take a closer look—what could these drawings be?
/ Behind the scenes
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